Molecular Machines & Industries (MMI):
Your Partner in Microdissection – Micromanipulation – Imaging
We at Molecular Machines & Industries (MMI) understand that your lab equipment needs to meet the particular demands of your individual research projects where you do not want to average out meaningful data, but focus on single cells.
The Revolution in Single Cell Isolation
The gentle isolation of single cells was never so easy. Have a look how it works
Molecular Machines & Industries (MMI) is the leading provider of unique technologies for microdissection, micromanipulation, and imaging with a wide range of clinical and research applications.
Our core competency at Molecular Machines & Industries is the development and production of innovative, efficient, and cost-effective micromanipulation and imaging solutions for specific applications. Thereby we heavily invest in new technologies and in quality, as well as in continuous training for our employees and distributors. To meet our quality goals, we are constantly optimizing our processes. Our customers thus benefit from state-of-the-art instruments, outstanding sales and service support, and highly successful research.
Notably, Molecular Machines & Industries was first to introduce UV laser technology into the Laser Microdissection market Thus, our users benefit from our longstanding technical and application experience. In addition, we are the only manufacturer to provide continuous support also for older instruments in the field.
We offer unique and innovative solutions for
- Laser ‘CapSure’ Microdissection to isolate cells in tissue (MMI CellCut)
- Microscopy-integrated Whole Slide Imaging (MMI CellScan)
- Capillary-based selective isolation of single cells (MMI CellEctor)
- Optical tweezers to quantify biological forces (MMI CellManipulator)
Our MMI CellCut combines several proven technologies which enable fast and precise laser microdissection of paraffin and cryo samples, smears and live cell cultures.
To dissect areas of interest, Molecular Machines & Industries employs an ultra precise solid-state UV laser while maintaining the sample’s morphology and ensuring the quality of the source material for subsequent downstream analysis. In addition, the patented contamination-free and reliable ‘CapSure’ isolation technology using the unique MMI CapLift provides an automated transfer of targets from the slide into microcentrifuge tubes (Isolation Caps) without unnecessary induction of physical or chemical forces.
Of course, we provide the required consumables, such as the unique Isolation Caps, for reliable and efficient excision of tissue areas and single cells.

„Here at the DMSZ (research group VirusInteract) it is our special emphasis to analyze the very early events of virus infection in plant tissue. Thus we first identify the initial point of plant virus infection, isolate this area with the MMI CellCut system and subsequently analyze this sample with a multi-omics approach. The MMI CellCut system is elementary for our research because it enables us to select and investigate even single infected plant nuclei. In addition we use the MMI CellEctor to collect protoplasts from liquid media to generate new plants from a single cell.”
Nachwuchsgruppe VirusInteract (Dr. Björn Krenz)
Braunschweig, Germany
The MMI CellScan Whole Slide Imaging system allows you to scan full resolution digital slides, to analyze your slides, to annotate interesting areas and to archive your digital images. This tool can be uniquely combined with our Laser Microdissection solutions for full sample documentation as well as for remote workflow options. In addition, the MMI CellScan can also be employed as a stand-alone imaging technology on several microscope brands and models supporting all functionalities of your microscope.
The MMI CellEctor is an integrated instrumentation solution for the fully automated aspiration and deposition of suspended or adherent cells onto any cell culture and molecular biology device. The CellEctor system is microscopy-based and therefore offers the full flexibility of a research microscope. In combination with the optional MMI CellExplorer, automated cell recognition can be integrated into the cell isolation workflow. Selective cell sorting under full visual control provided by the CellEctor closes the gap between frequent and rare cell sorting for various applications in Cancer Research, Oncology, Immunology, and many other applications.
The MMI CellManipulator is a powerful optical multibeam tweezers system. It enables the most comfortable manipulation of up to 20 single and living cells, microorganisms and microscopic particles. Optical Tweezer solutions are often used for force spectroscopy, i.e. to study single molecules such as DNA and proteins, as well as molecular motors, folding and adhesion forces.
Notably, all our systems can be uniquely combined and they can all be integrated on a single microscope platform. These customized products are highly versatile tools which can be employed for plethora of application areas.
The intuitive MMI CellTools software platform serves as a hub for the dedicated instrument software solutions. The software platform includes all required tools to control the microscope as well as the MMI tools. For best user experience, the software contains several automated functions in a user friendly design.
MMI (Molecular Machines & Industries) is represented globally by the headquarter in Eching, Germany (Molecular Machines & Industries GmbH) and by additional offices in Zurich, Switzerland (Molecular Machines & Industries AG), Haslett, USA (Molecular Machines & Industries Inc.) and Hong Kong, China. To be able to offer timely and knowledgeable support, MMI also leads a global distribution network with local companies.
Meet our esteemed customers
As pioneers in the field of Single Cell Isolation research, Micromanipulation and Imaging, we have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most reputable names in academia and industry. Our commitment to innovation and excellence has enabled us to develop and distribute cutting-edge devices tailored to the unique needs of our clients.