Spatial Biology US 2023
Reaching above and beyond the atmosphere from the comfort of the host city, Boston, MMI has the pleasure of joining the Spatial Biology US East Coast Congress on 8 – 9 June 2023 to discuss and learn about all the latest advances in spatial research and technologies. Our special mission: to inform about the ways MMI Products can contribute to the spatial biology field.
Some of the opportunities include:
► Joining discussions on the latest innovations in spatial multi-omics techniques and approaches. The presentations tackled topics such as translating spatial imaging techniques and approaches into the clinic, multi-modality processing, and case studies from various spatial omics.
► Gaining insights on image segmentation, AI-powered imaging, and utilizing digital pathology for spatial biology. Key opinion leaders explained label-free imaging technologies, algorithm design for spatial data, and relevant spatial parameters in different model systems.
► Gaining comprehensive insights into utilizing spatial biology in pharma. The convention agenda included topics such as spatial research and spatial technologies in pharma R&D, and using the technology for diagnostic purposes and clinical development use cases.
► Nobody is an island: taking advantage of the cooperative scientific environment to network with like-minded experts and exchange ideas on the development of spatial biology. The interactive panel discussions, roundtables, and workshops provide the optimal opportunity to engage in discussions about the development of this future-oriented field